The quantity, but not the quality, of CD8+ T cells is affected following immunization against two antigens. In addition to IFN-γ, TNFα and IL-2 were measured by ICS in both the blood and the spleen following re-stimulation with the PyMSP133 peptide pool (A) or PyCSP280-288 (B), or in the liver following re-stimulation with a mixed peptide pool containing the PyMSP133 peptide pool, PyCSP280-288 and PyCSP58-67 (C). Bars indicate the median percentage of cells producing each of the three cytokines. The pies indicate the proportion of cells producing all three cytokines (black), two cytokines (dark grey) or a single cytokine (light grey) and the numbers above the pies indicate the total percentage of responding cells (± range) producing any cytokine in response to stimulation with the indicated peptides.