Figure 2.
Pax6 remains preferentially expressed in the dorsal lineage in neuroblasts migrating in the RMS and in new neurons of the olfactory bulb. (A and B) Distribution of dorsally or laterally generated GFP+ cells in the RMS at 4 dpe (A) and in the olfactory bulb at 15 dpe (gl: glomerular layer, epl: external plexiform layer, sl: superficial layer of the granule cell layer, dl: deep layer of the granule cell layer) (B). (C) 3-D reconstructions of merged images of dorsally (upper panel) or laterally (lower panel) electroporated GFP+ cells (green) labeled with Pax6 antibody (red) at 4 or 15 dpe. These images show that dorsally but not laterally generated GFP+ cells in the RMS and in the granule cell layer (GCL) or glomerular layer (GL) of the OB express Pax6. (D) Histograms representing the percentage of GFP electroporated cells expressing Pax6 4 days after electroporation in the RMS and 15 days after electroporation either in the GCL or in the GL, after dorsal (dark gray bars) or lateral (light gray bars) electroporation (n = 3–5 mice per group). Scale bars: A, 50 μm; B, 200 μm; C, 20 μm.