Figure 7. Real time qRT-PCR analysis of the IL1B, IL6, NFKB2 and TNF genes following M. bovis challenge.
Log2 fold-changes in expression in the M. bovis-challenged MDM relative to the non-challenged control MDM at all three time points are shown. For comparison, the expression profiles for these genes based on the microarray data are also shown. The significance of the fold-changes in expression for each gene based on the real time qRT-PCR analysis only are denoted by asterisks in the figure (*P≤0.05, **P≤0.01, ***P≤0.001). The fold-changes calculated for each gene from the microarray data in the M. bovis-challenged MDM for each gene at each time point were significant (adjusted P-value ≤ 0.05). In addition, the log2 fold-change in expression for the control MDM at each time point relative to the 0 hour control MDM are also shown for both the microarray and real time qRT-PCR data; no significant differences in gene expression between the control MDM relative to the 0 hour control was observed for these genes at each time point (P≥0.05).