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. 2011 Dec 16;89(1):138–152. doi: 10.1007/s11524-011-9629-7

Table 5.

Model estimation results for pedestrian and cyclist crashes

Variables Model 1 Model 2
Variable name Category Coef. Z Valuea Elas. (in %) Coef. Z Valuea Elas. (in %)
DayTimeDen Exposure 0.004 6.36 1.95 0.004 6.09 1.85
DayPopDenSq −4.23E-06 −5.57 −3.97E-06 −5.24
SumRes 6.635 8.68 4.48 6.564 8.65 3.61
ResSq −14.749 −5.35 −14.514 −5.33
SumRetail 27.584 8.79 1.17 28.190 9.07 1.22
RetailSq −33.474 −8.58 −34.259 −8.88
EmpAttr 0.017 5.95 4.82 0.017 6.15 5.14
EmpAttrSq −1.51E-04 −5.51 −1.55E-04 −5.75
NumBusStop 0.084 15.53 5.67 0.083 15.56 5.01
BusStopSq −0.001 −8.83 −0.001 −9.01
Per4Lane 0.006 7.00 1.31 0.006 7.02 1.83
CentralPark 2.872 4.40 0.01 2.848 4.42 0.01
Schools 0.042 4.20 0.04 0.041 4.18 0.04
PerOneWay Roadway design 0.007 9.80 2.28 0.006 9.43 2.84
DenInt4more 0.056 6.20 3.29 0.059 6.61 3.37
PerPoverty SES 0.005 3.75 0.74 0.003b 1.74 0.62
ChildBearing −0.009 −5.31 −1.39 −0.011 −6.25 −2.10
PerAge1821 0.016 4.03 0.94 0.014 3.49 0.73
PerAge70 −0.011 −3.90 −0.89 −0.008 −2.47 −0.65
PerNavNonWhite 0.004 5.87 1.83 0.002 2.30 1.55
ForeignPercent Immigrant population 0.011 12.31 4.16
PerEastEurope 0.010 4.20 1.04
PerOtherEurope −0.029 −5.46 −1.09
PerAsia 0.007 4.28 1.05
PerLatinAmerica 0.010 8.67 1.79
PerEntry95_00 0.005 3.34 0.98
PerEntry90_94 0.001b 0.53 0.17
PerEntry85_89 0.003b 1.54 0.45
PerEntry80_84 −0.001b −0.66 −0.01
Constant −0.044b −0.41 0.149b 1.32
Log-likelihood −7,704.9 −7,663.8
Pseudo R2 0.116 0.121

aZ value is the pseudo T value for maximum log-likelihood estimators in STATA

bCoefficients not significant at 5% level