Figure 1. PMCA, NCX and NKA modulate basal Ca2+cyt and Na+ cyt levels in neonatal solitary cortical astrocytes at rest.
(A) Normalized fluo-3 fluorescence, reporting on Ca2+cyt levels, in astrocytes at rest. Astrocytes treated with caloxin 2A1 (PMCA blocker) alone or in conjunction with ouabain (NKA blocker) showed a significant increase in basal Ca2+cyt levels, which were decreased when cells were treated with KB-R7943 (NCX reverse mode blocker) or ouabain. (B) Normalized CoroNaTMGreen fluorescence, reporting on Na+cyt levels, in astrocytes at rest. A significant increase in basal Na+cyt levels was recorded from astrocytes treated with ouabain alone or in combination with benzamil (general NCX blocker), while astrocytes treated with KB-R7943 or caloxin 2A1/ouabain combination exhibited a decrease in basal Na+cyt levels. Bars represent average (±SEM) of fluorescence ratio before (Fo) and after (F) incubation of astrocytes in various agents. Statistical comparisons were made between time-matched sham treated (control) and agent treated astrocytes (one-way ANOVA, followed by Fisher's LSD test; *P<0.05, **P<0.01), whose numbers in each group are given below abscissas.