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. 2012 Feb 23;6:11. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2012.00011

Table 1.

Demographical data and clinical characteristics for both treatment groups.

n Temporal rTMS n Frontal + Temporal rTMS
Gender 345 M (72%) 193 M (70%)
F (28%) F (30%)
Age (years) 345 50.14 ± 13.10 193 51.12 ± 11.91
Handedness 334 Right (86%) 186 Right (79%)
Left (6%) Left (9%)
Both Sides (8%) Both Sides (12%)
Hearingthreshold (dB) 224 20.19 ± 12.68 157 21.26 ± 13.98
Hearing loss (left/right) 205 0–20 dB (21%/23%) 146/148 0–20 dB (23%/24%)
21–60 dB (62%/56%) 21–60 dB (57%/52%)
>60 dB (17%/21%) >60 dB (20%/24%)
BDI 221 9.88 ± 7.98 181 13.67 ± 8.65
Motor threshold 345 43.14 ± 8.50 192 42.52 ± 8.11
TQ baseline 345 38.49 ± 17.60 193 45.25 ± 17.84
TQ difference (baseline – screening) 285 −1.99 ± 9.48 166 −1.43 ± 9.58
Tinnitus laterality 335 Right (14%) 188 Right (11%)
Left (18%) Left (15%)
Both ears worse left (16%) Both ears worse left (21%)
Both ears worse right (16%) Both ears worse right (18%)
Both ears equally (29%) Both ears equally (24%)
Inside the head (7%) Inside the head (11%)
Tinnitus duration (years) 328 7.75 ± 7.43 181 7.62 ± 8.73
Tinnitus pitch 104 6780.62 ± 3662.23 97 6712.60 ± 3484.62
Tinnitus pitch (patient rating) 205 Very high frequency (22%) 176 Very high frequency (29%)
High frequency (60%) High frequency (57%)
Medium frequency (16%) Medium frequency (13%)
Low frequency (2%) Low frequency (1%)
Tinnitus quality 202 Tone (67%) 173 Tone (57%)
Noise (8%) Noise (14%)
Crickets (19%) Crickets (19%)
Other (6%) Other (10%)
Event-related to tinnitus onset 206 Loud blast of sound (4%) 163 Loud blast of sound (5%)
Whiplash (0%) Whiplash (2%)
Change in hearing (14%) Change in hearing (6%)
Stress (19%) Stress (22%)
Head trauma (0%) Head trauma (1%)
Others (37%) Others (33%)
More than one event (26%) More than one event (31%)
Pulsating tinnitus 181 No (84%) 166 No (79%)
Yes with heart beat (10%) Yes with heart beat (9%)
Yes, different from heart beat (6%) Yes, different from heart beat (12%)
Tinnitus manifestation 235 Intermittent (11%) 171 Intermittent (9%)
Constant (89%) Constant (91%)
Varying Tinnitus loudness 189 No (40%) 167 No (32%)
Yes (60%) Yes (68%)
Tinnitus reduced by music or sounds 269 No (24%) 170 No (24%)
Yes (65%) Yes (62%)
I don't know (11%) I don't know (14%)
Loud noise makes tinnitus worse 205 No (24%) 169 No (19%)
Yes (60%) Yes (59%)
I don't know (16%) I don't know (22%)
Neck movement affects tinnitus 185 No (67%) 169 No (63%)
Yes (33%) Yes (37%)
Stress influences tinnitus 187 No (29%) 162 No (72%)
Yes (71%) Yes (28%)
Suffer from headache 188 No (68%) 168 No (53%)
Yes (32%) Yes (47%)
Suffer from vertigo 326 No (71%) Yes (29%) 181 No (63%) Yes (37%)
Temporomandibular complaints 287 No (80%) 171 No (75%)
Yes (20%) Yes (25%)
Suffer from neck pain 310 No (50%) 174 No (37%)
Yes (50%) Yes (63%)