Table 2. SNPs with psychiatric illness associations and their location relative to the most proximal clock gene.
Gene | Illness Association | SNP | Position Relative to Gene |
PER1 | SCZ | rs3027232 | Coding region of adjacent gene ALOXE3 |
NR1D2 | SCZ | rs2001209 | High density gene area ∼20 kb from NR1D2, intronic in adjacent gene RPL15 |
RORA | ADHDSCZ | rs922781rs1351546 | intronic in RORAintronic in RORA |
RORB | BD | rs10869435 | intronic in RORB |
RORC | SCZ | rs868866 | intronic in TDRKH ∼20 kb downstream from RORC |
DEC1 | MDDBDSCZBD | 4 SNPsrs1537720rs11794627rs10982664 | Intronic DEC1DEC1 promoter, enriched chromatinIntronic DEC1Intronic DEC1 |
NPAS2 | ADHD | rs11674199 | Intronic NPAS2 |
ARNTL | BD | rs747601 | ∼20 kb upstream promoter region |
ARNTL2 | ADHD | rs11049004 | Intronic in ARNTL2 |
The SNPs proximal to PER1 and RORC were determined to lie outside of these genes. The SNP proximal to NR1D2 was indeterminate. The remaining SNPs were determined to be located with the corresponding clock gene.