Cat.G induces proteasomal degradation of FA and myofibrillar proteins. A, representative immunoblots showing accumulation of FAK, paxillin, and troponin I in NRCM lysates from untreated or treated with 400 nmol/liter Cat.G for the indicated time. A longer exposure is provided for optimal visualization of the FAK cleavage products. B and C, NRCMs were pretreated with MG132 (MG, 5 μmol/liter) or lactacystin (Lac, 10 μmol/liter) (B), PD150606 (PD, 10 μmol/liter), or chloroquine (Chlor, 5 μmol/liter) (C) for 45 min and then treated with Cat.G for 2 h and immunoblotted with anti-FAK, -paxillin, or -troponin I antibodies. GAPDH was used as a loading control. Left: representative Western blots. Right: quantification of experiments expressed as mean ± S.E. from three separate cultures. *, p < 0.05 versus control, #, p < 0.05 versus Cat.G-treated cells.