Up-regulation of key cell cycle regulators and apoptosis in the yolk sac of GW182gt/gt embryos at E9.5.
A, highly expressed in yolk sac, levels of miR-17/106 family members are not altered in GW182gt/gt mutant. B, miRNAs highly expressed in yolk sac with the same seed sequence. C, miR-17/106 is expressed in both endoderm and mesoderm of yolk sac with selectively enriched expression in endoderm; expression of mir-126–3p is mainly in the mesoderm, whereas miR-451 is in hematopoietic cells of blood island. D, mRNA levels of targets of miR-17/106/93 and miR-25/92, such as p21, p57, Lats1/2, and Rb, are significantly increased in GW182gt/gt yolk sac, as assayed by Affymetrix mRNA array (p < 0.05 for all these genes). E, Western blot detected a significant increase in P21 and cleaved caspase 3 levels in the yolk sac of GW182gt/gt embryos at E9.5. F, increased P21 in the yolk sac endoderm of GW182gt/gt embryos was detected by immunostaining. G, model of GW182 function in miRNA-mediated gene silencing in the yolk sac.