Figure 2. OsNRAMP5 is expressed in rice roots.
(a–c) Expression pattern of OsNRAMP5 in rice grown hydroponically under Mn-deficient (-Mn) (a), Fe-deficient conditions (-Fe) (b), and in the presence of 10 µM Cd (+Cd) (c) compared to normal nutrient conditions (Ctrl.). (d–f) OsNRAMP5 promoter GUS analysis in rice roots. Longitudinal section (d). Transverse section (e). Enlargement of part of the stele (f). MXII, metaxylem II; MXI, metaxylem I; PX, protoxylem. Scale bar = 400 μm for (d), and 50 μm for (f). Error bars represent the SD. Columns bars followed by different letters are statistically different according to analysis of variance followed by SNK test (p = 0.0034); n = 3.