Fig. 4.
(A) Evidence of global neuronal degeneration (increase in glia/neuron ratio) in the SCN was associated with loss of amplitude in the rhythm of core body temperature. (B) While reductions in neuronal density of vasopressin neurons in the dorsomedial SCN reveal no association with loss of the amplitude of core body temperature or activity. Loss of vasopressin neurons was associated with increased fragmentation of the activity rhythm. (C) Reductions in neuronal density of neurotensin neurons in the dorsomedial SCN were associated with loss of relative amplitude (amplitude/mesor) of activity. There was no evidence of association between loss of neurotensin neurons and activity fragmentation. Blue square = combined control values for neuropathological (horizontal error) and circadian (vertical error) scores. Blue circles = Alzheimer’s disease; gold circles = dementia with Lewy bodies; red circles = frontotemporal dementia; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.