1 |
Elytra concolorous, brunneous to piceous; pronotal base margined laterally posterad laterobasal depression, without marginal bead medially (Fig. 9B, 9C, 10); a single dorsal elytral seta each side near basal fourth of third interval; standardized body length 4.9–6.7 mm
2 |
1’ |
Elytra with lateral and apical margins flavous, contrastedly paler than brunneous disc, the paler marginal areas encompassing intervals 6–8 near humerus, 7–8 and marginal depression near midlength, and all of apex except sutural interval that may be darker, rufous (Fig. 9A); two dorsal elytral setae each side, the anterior near basal ¼, the posterior near elytral midlength; standardized body length 3.8–4.2 mm
1. Meonochilus bellorum, sp. n.
2 |
Pronotal base broad, maximum pronotal width to basal pronotal width ratio 1.23–1.41; elytral base broad, humeri extended laterally (Fig. 9C, 10)
3 |
2’ |
Pronotal base constricted, basolateral margins distinctly sinuate anterad denticulate hind angles, maximum pronotal width to basal pronotal width ratio 1.44–1.49; elytra oviform, basolateral margins narrowly rounded posterad humeri (Fig. 9B)
2. Meonochilus spiculatus, sp. n.
3 |
Elytral striae 1–5 deep, stria 6 shallower, stria 7 obsolete to irregularly discontinuous; standardized body length smaller, 4.9–6.1 mm |
4 |
3’ |
Elytral striae 1–7 deep, continuous from elytral base to apex, all elytral intervals distinctly convex; standardized body length larger, 6.1–6.7 mm |
4. Meonochilus amplipennis (Broun)
4 |
Pronotum more quadrate, maximum pronotal width to median pronotal length 1.29–1.34 (Fig. 9C, 10B); basal and lateral elytral margins evenly, broadly rounded at humerus
5 |
4’ |
Pronotum more transverse, maximum pronotal width to median pronotal length ratio 1.39–1.42 (Fig. 10C); juncture of basal and lateral elytral margins tightly rounded to subangulate at humerus
6. Meonochilus placens (Broun)
5 |
Suture between metepimeron and metepisternum incomplete, suture evident medially but effaced laterally; internal sac of male aedeagal internal sac unarmed, membranous (Fig. 16A)
5. Meonochilus eplicatus (Broun)
5’ |
Metepimeron and metepisternum separated by distinct, complete suture; internal sac of male aedeagal internal sac with large, spikelike flagellum (Fig. 2G)
3. Meonochilus rectus, sp. n.