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. 2011 Nov 16;(147):39–83. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.147.2052

Table 2.

Terms and abbreviations for geadephagan mandibles (modified from Acorn and Ball 1991) and labrum-epipharynx (modified from Ball et al. 1995).

Abbreviations Terms
art anterior retinacular tooth
B base of mandible
bb basal brush
bfb basal face brush
irr inferior retinacular ridge
it incisor tooth
mss multiple scrobal setae
mt molar tooth
od occlusal diastema
prt posterior retinacular tooth
rc 1 retinacular tooth, cusp 1= art, in part
rc 2 retinacular tooth, cusp 2= art, in part
rc 3 retinacular tooth, cusp 3= prt, in part
rc 4 retinacular tooth, cusp 4= prt , in part
ret retinaculum
rr retinacular ridge
s scrobe
srr superior retinacular ridge
srt supplementary retinacular tooth
ss single scrobal seta
T terebra
tr terebral ridge
tt terebral tooth
tt 1 terebral tooth 1
tt 1-1 terebral tooth 1, cusp 1
tt 1-2 terebral tooth 1, cusp 2
tt 1-3 terebral tooth 1, cusp 3
tt 2 terebral tooth 2
tt 3 terebral tooth 3
tt 4 terebral tooth 4
vg ventral groove
vm ventral microtrichia
aps anterior parapedial setae
epd epipharynx, dorsal aspect
las labral apical seta
ped pedium
pp parapedial projection
pps posterior parapedial setae
pr parapedial ridge
sc sensillum coeloconicum