(A) Treatment of established murine NB tumours with either saline or rhVEGF165b (100μg subcutaneously twice a week). Values of tumour fold increase in volume were reduced in the VEGF165b-treated group in comparison with saline-treated controls (from 9.76±3.58 to 4.24±1.01 on day 14, ANOVA, p<0.001). (B) VEGFR2 immunohistochemical staining of mice tumours. The staining was mostly detected in the vascular endothelium (in brown). (C, D) Quantification of the blood vessel number and blood vessel area present in the saline-treated tumours versus the VEGF165b-treated tumours. Treatment with rhVEGF165b decreased the vessel density and the area of the blood vessels in the tumours (unpaired t test, p<0,05).