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. 2011 Nov;1(3):392–407. doi: 10.1002/ece3.38

Table 2.

GLM results for germination tests of Rhododendron taxa: (A) Maximum germination success after 10 weeks; Germination data were rank transformed prior to analysis. (B) Cumulative germination success expressed by repeated measures ANOVA with factor time. The mixed model was performed with populations as random factor nested within taxon and three replicates each per temperature level (n = 270). P GG adj = P values for Greenhouse–Geisser adjustment. Bold numbers indicate significant effects

Source of variation df Type III SS MS F P
Taxon 4 78136 19534 3.93 0.013
Error (pop(taxon)). 25 124429 4974.3
Temperature 2 378100 189050 45.65 <0.001
Temperature × taxon 8 24615 3076.9 0.74 0.654
Pop(taxon) 25 124365 4974.6 1.2 0.239
Error 230 952522 4141.4
Source of variation df Type III SS MS F P pGGadj
Time 10 58595.2 5859.5 135.0 <0.001 <0.001
Time × temperature 20 30389.1 1519.5 35.0 <0.001 <0.001
Time × taxon 40 6118.3 153.0 3.5 <0.001 <0.001
Time × temperature × taxon 80 3188.6 39.9 0.9 0.681 0.543
Time × pop(taxon) 250 12809.7 51.2 1.2 0.034 0.203
Error(time) 2300 99813.1 43.4
Greenhouse–Geisser–Epsilon 0.185