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. 2011 Dec 15;12(Suppl 15):S2. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-12-S15-S2

Table 1.

GBIF Metadata Profile (GMP) implemented in the GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit for authoring metadata document

GBIF Metadata Profile (GMP) elements Description
abstract A brief overview describing the dataset.
additionalInfo Any information that is not characterized by the other resource metadata fields.
additionalMetadata A flexible field for including any other relevant metadata that pertains to the resource being described. This field allows EML to be extensible in that any XML-based metadata can be included in this element.
address A container for multiple subfields that describe the physical or electronic address of the responsible party for a resource.
administrativeArea The equivalent of a 'state' in the US or province in Canada. This field is intended to accommodate the many types of international administrative areas.
alternateIdentifier This is the only identifier issued by the IPT for the metadata document; it is a persistent identifier.
associatedParty A party associated with the resource. Parties have particular roles.
beginDate A single time stamp signifying the beginning of some time period.
beginRange The lower value in a range of numbers. Use to represent an exact number by omitting the 'endRange' value.
bibliography A list of citations that form a bibliography on literature related to or used in the dataset.
boundingCoordinates The four margins (N, S, E, W) of a bounding box, or when considered in latitude-longitude pairs, the corners of the box.
calendarDate Used to express a date, giving the year, month and day. The format should be one that complies with ISO standard 8601. The recommended format for EML is YYYY-MM-DD, where Y is the four-digit year, M is the two-digit month code (01-12, where January = 01), and D is the two-digit day of the month (01-31). This field can also be used to enter just the year portion of a date.
characterEncoding Contains the name of the character encoding. This is typically ASCII, UTF-8 or one of the other common encodings.
citation A single citation for to use when citing the dataset.
city Used for the city name of the contact associated with a particular resource.
collection A container element for other elements associated with collections (for example collectionIdentifier, collectionName).
collectionIdentifier The URI (LSID or URL) of the collection. In RDF, used as URI of the collection resource.
collectionName Official name of the collection in the local language.
commonName Applicable common names, which may be general descriptions of a group of organisms, if appropriate, for example invertebrates, waterfowl.
contact Contains contact information for the dataset. This is the person or institution to contact with questions about the use, interpretation of a dataset.
country Used for the name of the contact's country.
coverage Describes the extent of the coverage of the resource in terms of its spatial, temporal and taxonomic extent.
creator The person who created the resource (not necessarily the author of this metadata about the resource).
dataFormat A container element for other elements that describe the internal physical characteristics of the data object.
dataset A wrapper for all other elements relating to a single dataset.
deliveryPoint Used for the physical address for postal communication, for example, GBIF Secretariat, Universitetsparken 15.
description Contains general textual descriptions.
descriptor Used to document domains (themes) of interest, such as climate, geology, soils or disturbances.
descriptorValue Contains a general description, either thematic or geographic, of the study area.
designDescription Contains general textual descriptions of research design. It can include detailed accounts of goals, motivations, theory, hypotheses, strategy, statistical design and actual work.
distribution Provides information on how the resource is distributed. When used at the resource level, this element can provide only general information, but elements for describing connections to online systems are provided.
eastBoundingCoordinate Defines the longitude of the eastern-most point of the bounding box that is being described.
electronicMailAddress The email address for the party. It is intended to be an internet SMTP email address, which should consist of a username followed by the @ symbol followed by the email server domain name address.
endDate A single time stamp signifying the end of some time period.
endRange The upper value in a range of numbers.
externallyDefinedFormat Information about a non-text or proprietary formatted object.
formatName Name of the format of the data object, for example, ESRI Shapefile.
formatVersion Version of the format of the data object.
formationPeriod Text description of the time period during which the collection was assembled for example 'Victorian', '1922-1932' or 'c. 1750'.
funding Used to provide information about funding sources for the project, such as grant and contract numbers or names and addresses of funding sources.
generalTaxonomicCoverage A general description of the range of taxa addressed in the dataset or collection.
geographicCoverage A container for spatial information about a resource; allows a bounding box for the overall coverage (in latitude and longitude), and also allows description of arbitrary polygons with exclusions.
geographicDescription A short text description of a dataset's geographic areal domain. A text description is especially important to provide a geographic setting when the extent of the dataset cannot be well described by the 'boundingCoordinates'.
givenName Can be used for first name of the individual associated with the resource, or for any other names that are not intended to be alphabetic, as appropriate.
hierarchyLevel Dataset level to which the metadata applies; default value is 'dataset'.
individualName Contains subfields so that a person's name can be broken down into parts.
intellectualRights Contain a rights management statement for the resource, or a reference a service providing such information.
jgtiCuratorialUnit A quantitative descriptor (number of specimens, samples or batches).
jgtiUnitRange A range of numbers (x to x), with the lower value representing an exact number when the higher value is omitted.
jgtiUnitType A general description of the unit of curation, for example, 'jar containing plankton sample'.
jgtiUnits The exact number of units within the collection.
keyword A keyword or key phrase that concisely describes the resource or is related to the resource. Each keyword field should contain one and only one keyword.
keywordSet A wrapper element for the keyword and keywordThesaurus elements.
keywordThesaurus The name of the official keyword thesaurus from which keyword was derived.
language The language in which the resource (not the metadata document) is written.
livingTimePeriod Time period during which biological material was alive (for paleontological collections).
metadata Contains the additional metadata to be included in the document. This element should be used for extending EML to include metadata that is not already available in another part of the EML specification.
metadataLanguage The language in which the metadata (as opposed to the resource being described by the metadata) is written.
metadataProvider The party responsible for the creation of the metadata document.
methodStep Allows for repeated sets of elements that document a series of procedures followed to produce a data object, including text descriptions of the procedures, relevant literature, software, instrumentation, source data and any quality control measures taken.
methods Documents scientific methods used in the collection of this dataset. It includes information on items such as tools, instrument calibration and software.
northBoundingCoordinate Defines the latitude of the northern-most point of the bounding box that is being described.
objectName The name of the data object. This often is the filename of a file in a file system or that is accessible on the network.
online Contains information for accessing the resource online represented as a URL connection.
onlineUrl A link to associated online information, usually a website. When the party represents an organization, this is the URL to a website or other online information about the organization. If the party is an individual, it might be their personal website or other related online information about the party.
organisationName The full name of the organization that is associated with the resource. This field is intended to describe which institution or overall organization is associated with the resource being described.
para Allows for text blocks to be included in EML.
parentCollectionIdentifier Identifier for the parent collection for this sub-collection. Enables a hierarchy of collections and sub-collections to be built.
personnel Extends associatedParty with role information and is used to document people involved in a research project by providing contact information and their role in the project.
phone Describes information about the responsible party's telephone (voice or fax) number.
physical A container element for all of the elements that allow description of the internal/external characteristics and distribution of a data object (for example, dataObject, dataFormat, distribution).
positionName Intended to be used instead of a particular person or full organization name. If the associated person who holds the role changes frequently, then positionName would be used for consistency; for example, GBIF Data Manager.
postalCode Equivalent to a US zip code or the number used for routing to an address in other countries.
project Contains information on the project in which the dataset was collected. It includes information such as project personnel, funding, study area, project design and related projects.
pubDate The date on which the resource was published.
purpose A description of the purpose of the resource/dataset.
qualityControl Provides a location for the description of actions taken to either control or assess the quality of data resulting from the associated method step.
rangeOfDates Intended to be used for describing a range of dates and/or times. It can be used multiple times to document multiple date ranges. It allows for two 'singleDateTime' fields, the first to be used as the beginning dateTime and the second to be used as the ending dateTime of the range.
resourceLogoUrl URL of the logo associated with a resource.
role Used to describe the role the party had with respect to the resource. Some potential roles include technician, reviewer and principal investigator.
sampling Description of sampling procedures, including the geographic, temporal and taxonomic coverage of the study.
samplingDescription Allows a text-based/human-readable description of the sampling procedures used in the research project. The content of this element would be similar to a description of sampling procedures found in the methods section of a journal article.
singleDateTime Intended to describe a single date and time for an event.
southBoundingCoordinate Defines the latitude of the southern-most point of the bounding box that is being described.
specimenPreservationMethod Picklist keyword indicating the process or technique used to prevent physical deterioration of non-living collections. Expected to contain an instance from the Specimen Preservation Method Type Term vocabulary.
studyAreaDescription Documents the physical area associated with the research project. It can include descriptions of the geographic, temporal and taxonomic coverage of the research location and descriptions of domains (themes) of interest, such as climate, geology, soils or disturbances.
studyExtent Represents both a specific sampling area and the sampling frequency (temporal boundaries, frequency of occurrence). The geographic studyExtent is usually a surrogate (representative area of) for the larger area documented in 'studyAreaDescription'.
surName Used for the last name of the individual associated with the resource. This is typically the family name of an individual, for example, the name by which s/he is referred to in citations.
taxonRankName The name of the taxonomic rank for which the taxon rank value is provided, for example, phylum, class, genus, species.
taxonRankValue The name representing the taxonomic rank of the taxon being described.
taxonomicClassification Information about the range of taxa addressed in the dataset or collection.
taxonomicCoverage A container for taxonomic information about a resource. It includes a list of species names (or higher level ranks) from one or more classification systems.
temporalCoverage Specifies temporal coverage, and allows coverages to be a single point in time, multiple points in time, or a range of dates.
title Provides a description of the resource that is being documented that is long enough to differentiate it from other similar resources. Multiple titles may be provided, particularly when trying to express the title in more than one language (use the 'xml:lang' attribute to indicate the language if not English).
url The URL of the resource that is available online.
westBoundingCoordinate Defines the longitude of the western-most point of the bounding box that is being described.

The definitions of the elements are taken from [64,85,86]. Mandatory elements when authoring metadata through IPT 2.0.2+ are in bold.