Figure 3. Comparing three topical thrombin products using binding assays with aptamers as detector reagents in an ELISA format.
(A) The three topical thrombin products were electrophoresed on a 12% NuPAGE gel and stained using Colloidal Blue®. The thrombin and HSA (used as an exipient) bands are indicated with red and blue arrows respectively. (B) Kinetics of binding of the Aptamer 30-8 to the purified human thrombin products Recothrom (squares) and Evithrom (circles). (C) The affinities (apparent Kds) of all six aptamers to both Recothrom and Evithrom were determined as shown in (B). The apparent Kd values for Recothrom (X-axis) were plotted against those for Evithrom (Y-axis) and were shown to be highly correlated (r = 0.996, P<0.05).