Figure 8. Double immunolabeling Pax2 (red)-PCNA (green) and S100 (red)-PCNA (green) in the ONH.
(A) In control retinas there are scarce Pax2+/PCNA+ cells (arrow) close to the limit of the ONH with the retina in controls. Square enlarged in B. (B) Detail of a Pax2+/PCNA+ cell (arrow) close to the CA. (C) Pax2+/PCNA+ cells (arrows) close to the CA and the limit of the ONH with the retina after 15 d of lesion. (D) Pax2+/PCNA+ cells (arrows) after 21 d of lesion. Square enlarged in E. (E) Pax2+/PCNA+ cells (arrows) close to the limit of the ONH with the retina at 21 d after injury. (F) Pax2+/PCNA+ cells after 60 d of injury. Square enlarged in G. (G) Pax2+/PCNA+ cells (arrows) close to the CA. (H) Scarce S100+/PCNA+ cells (arrow) in control ONH. (I) S100+/PCNA+ cells (arrows) between the RGC axons at 15 d post-injury. (J) Statistical analysis of PCNA+ cell density in the ONH during regeneration. The two asterisks indicate the highly significant differences (**p<0.01). N = 4 animals per group. Scale bars: A, C, D, F: 100 µm; B, E, G: 10 µm; H–I: 50 µm. CA: central artery.