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. 2012 Feb 27;7(2):e32547. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0032547

Table 1. Description of the score values of the indices used for the estimation of PCS for four arbitrary survival categories.

Index Description Survival Category
High Moderate Low Nil
Activity and stimuli Physical activity and response to stimuli 1 (strong and lively, flopping around on deck, shark can tightly clench jaws, no stiffness) 0.66 (weaker movement but still lively, response if stimulated or provoked, shark can clench jaws, no stiffness) 0.33 (intermittent movement, physical activity limited to fin ripples or twitches, little response to stimuli, body appears limp but not in rigor mortis, some stiffness) 0 (shark in rigor mortis or dead and limp, stiff and lifeless, no physical activity or response to stimuli, jaws hanging open)
Wounds and bleeding Presence of wounds and bleeding 1 (no cuts or bleeding observed) 0.66 (1–3 small cuts or lacerations not deep only on skin, some bleeding but not flowing profusely, no exposed or damaged organs) 0.33 (>3 small cuts or one severe cut or wound, some bleeding but not flowing profusely, little organ exposure and if exposed, organs are undamaged) 0 (extensive small cuts or very severe wounds or missing body parts, excessive bleeding, blood flowing freely and continuously in large quantities, internal organs exposed and damaged, may be protruding)
Sea lice Skin damage by sea lice 1 (no penetration of body by sea lice, body is intact) 0.66 (minor penetration of body by sea lice) 0.33 (moderate body penetration but sea lice mostly on the cloaca area) 0 (extensive penetration of body via eyes, cloaca, gills, and/or skin, sea lice ate tissue)
Skin damage and bruising Skin damage and surface bruising by physical trauma 1 (0% of skin body damage or bruises or redness) 0.66 (<5% of skin body damage or bruises or redness) 0.33 (5–40% of skin body damage or bruises or redness) 0 (>40% of skin body damage or bruises or redness)