Figure 9.
(A) Firing patterns of subthalmic nucleus (STN), globus pallidus externa (GPe), globus pallidus interna (GPi) and thalamic (TH) cells during activation of STN local cells (LCs) and GPi fibers of passage (FOPs) during 130 Hz STN-DBS. Examples from one neuron in each cell group are shown. Black bar indicates duration stimulation was applied. Errors made by the thalamic cell are indicated: misses (*), bursts(+) and spurious events (^). (i) High frequency stimulation of STN LCs resulted in regularized firing of GPe and GPi neurons due to excitatory efferent connections from STN to the GP cells. Regularized GPi firing in turn improved thalamic fidelity (ii) High frequency stimulation of GPi FOPs caused only GPi cells to fire regularly in sync with the DBS pulses, which increased the accuracy of thalamic transmission. STN and GPe cells were not affected. (B) Error index with total percentage of STN LC and GPi FOP activation. Results for activation of only STN LC (△) and only GPi FOP (□) are highlighted. Error index decreased with an increase in activation of STN LCs, GPi FOPs, and a combination of LCs and FOPs. Total percentage activation of STN LCs and GPi FOPs was strongly correlated with improvements in thalamic fidelity. (C) Error index with different activation ratios of STN LC to GPi FOP. Results for 50% STN LC activation (○) and 50% GPi FOP activation (x) are highlighted as examples. Multiple ratios gave equivalent error indexes, resulting in no correlation between the ratio of LC to FOP activation and improvement in thalamic fidelity.