Figure 2. Ethanol feeding promotes hepatic injury in a DEN model of hepatocarcinogenesis in male mice.
A) Representative images (x200 magnification) of sections from control (C) male mice (48 weeks) and pair-matched male mice maintained on ethanol feeding (E), initiated with DEN (D), or initiated with DEN and ethanol fed (D+E). Sections were stained with H&E, Picrosirius Red or an antibody against Glutathione S-transferase placental isoform (GSTpi). B) Cumulative total liver injury score (TLIS) was blind scored from representative sections (2 lobes/mouse, 5 fields/lobe) from each experimental group (male and female, 24- and 48-weeks; C, E, D, D+E). *p<0.05 versus respective male or female controls (C), #p<0.05 D+E (male or female) versus D mice, §p<0.05 male versus female within same treatment group/time points. Minimum n = 8 independent mice/group.