Fig. 2.
Conceptual model for sedimentary values of in an ocean in which
is the dominant fixed N species. (A) System in which the δ15N values of exported eukaryotic biomass depend on the fractional fluxes to ammonium assimilation (φ1), oxidation (φ2), and recycling (φ3), as well as the difference between the associated fractionation factors ε1 and ε2. (B–D) Calculated δ15N values of sedimentary organic matter as a function of percent export from diazotrophs and fractional fluxes φ1 and φ2 for three sets of fractionation factors: (B) ε1 - ε2 = -5‰; (C) ε1 - ε2 = 5‰; (D) ε1 - ε2 = 10‰. (E) Data for
for OAE 2 from the literature [11 (red); 16 (blue, Italy; green, England); 17 (yellow); 23 (orange), and this study (gray)], plotted relative to the range of paired values of ε1 and ε2 solved with the model, assuming 20% export of diazotrophic biomass (solid lines), as well as an ε1/ε2 offset of 10‰ assuming 10% export of diazotrophic biomass (dashed line).