Figure 4.
FoxO transcriptional activation is necessary for cachexia-induced muscle fiber atrophy. A, B, E, F) Representative cross sections taken from the TA (A, E) and soleus muscles (B, F) of control and ∼14 d LLC tumor-bearing mice (A, B), and control and 7-d septic mice (E, F), each transfected with either DsRed or DN FoxO-DsRed. Sections were incubated with wheat germ agglutinin to allow for visualization of muscle fibers and the CSA of transfected fibers (fibers expressing either DsRed or DN FoxO-DsRed) were measured and compared. Arrows indicate representative DN FoxO-DsRed expression, which we have previously shown localizes to the nucleus. C, D) Mean TA (C) and soleus (D) fiber CSA from control and LLC tumor bearing mice transfected with either DsRed or DN FoxO-DsRed in panels A and B, respectively. G, H) Mean TA (G) and soleus (H) fiber CSA from control and septic mice transfected with either DsRed or DN FoxO-DsRed in panels E and F, respectively. Bars represent means ± se for 6 muscles/group. *P < 0.05 vs. control DsRed; †P < 0.05 vs. tumor-bearing or septic DsRed.