Figure 3.
Carbon Starvation–Induced Spherical Bodies Containing ATI1-GFP Are Localized in Close Proximity to the ER Network.
Confocal microscopy analysis of hypocotyl epidermis cells of 7-d-old transgenic Arabidopsis plants stably expressing ATI1-GFP (A), mCherry-HDEL (B), and combined ATI1-GFP plus mCherry-HDEL (C). Combined transmission and GFP fluorescence image at a larger magnification shows the localization of ATI1-GFP on the surface of the spherical bodies (D) and the localization of these spherical bodies in close proximity to the ER (E). Previously described spindle-shaped ER bodies (Matsushima et al., 2003) are seen (A) to (C) (red bodies marked by blue and green arrows). The newly identified bodies (yellow arrows in [D] and [E]) marked with ATI1-GFP on their surface (green bodies) are localized in close proximity to the ER network.