Countermeasure exercise. This figure depicts a training subject performing a bilateral squat. Bilateral squats were included in the countermeasure exercise program to target the hip musculature, in particular the gluteal and hamstring muscles, which contract concentrically during the ascension phase of the squat. Other exercises included single and bilateral heel raises and back extension maneuvers. Both the resistance exercise only (RE) and resistance exercise with whole body vibration (RVE) groups performed their exercises on the Galileo Space exercise device (Novotec Medical, Pforzheim, Germany), with the RE group performing their exercises without vibration. Subjects were positioned in head-down tilt on a moveable board with their feet placed on either side of the Galileo platform. Shoulder pads and hand grips ensured subjects remained in the desired position and enabled application of force via the vibrating platform. A pneumatic system generated the force, applied through the moveable board, against which the subject was required to resist and move (via the shoulder pads and hand grips). A sport scientist supervised all exercises to ensure correct performance, and a monitor positioned in the subjects field of view provided visual feedback regarding exercise motion and speed and the subjects actual and target exercise position.