Fig. 3.
Estimates of rates of volume loss (exponential rates of decay) in the postero-lateral hip muscles during bedrest. Values are means and SD estimates of the time constant k in the fitted exponential decay model e[k·(BRx−1)] (where BRx is the xth day of bedrest). More negative time constants indicate faster loss of muscle volume during bedrest. BF_LH, biceps femoris long head; BF_SH, biceps femoris short head; GMED, gluteus medius; GMIN, gluteus minimus; LGM, lower gluteus maximus; OBT_EXT, obturator externus; OBT_INT, obturator internus; PIRI, piriformis; QUAD_FEM, quadratus femoris; SEMI_M, semi-mebranosus; SEMI_T, semi-tendinosus; UGM, upper gluteus maximus. Significant difference of the percentage change in muscle volume compared with zero: *P < 0.05; †P < 0.01; ‡P < 0.001 indicate. Otherwise P > 0.05.