These experiments were described in “Materials and
Methods”. (A) Tumor growth curve. The tumor growth was assessed every 3 days
until Day 21 of treatment by measuring two perpendicular diameters and calculating the
volume in mm3. Statistical analysis was performed using Day 21 values only,
with one-way ANOVA and Student's t-test. ** indicates
P<0.01 when compared with the control. The typical photographs
of tumors are shown. (B) Intratumoral vascularization was assessed by VEGF, p53, VHL,
and HIF-1α immunolabeling (400× magnification) on paraffin-embedded MCF-7 cell tumor
sections. Representative images are shown. (C) Integrated optical density (IOD) values
of VEGF, p53, VHL, HIF-1α protein expression and MVD of the tumors were evaluated.
ImagePro Plus software was utilized to analyze the IOD values of the positive areas of
immunohistochemical staining, and the resulting histograms are shown. After areas
containing dense vascularity, either within the tumor or during different pathological
stages, were selected using a microscopic field with 100× power, all brown-stained
vessels were counted under three fields with 200× power. The mean value of the vessels
in the three fields was taken as the MVD count of a tumor. The histograms are shown.
Statistical analysis was carried out using one-way ANOVA. The results are shown as the
mean ± SD from a total of six mice. *P<0.05 or