FOXL2-positive cells are arrested throughout embryonic development. Cells expressing FOXL2 (green) were negative for MKI67 (magenta; A and C) and positive for CDKN1B (magenta; B and D) at E12.5 and E14.5. At birth (E and F), the FOXL2-positive cells in close proximity to developing oocytes remained arrested, although cells more distant from oocytes were positive for MKI67 and negative for CDKN1B. Insets in E and F show FOXL2 expression in primordial follicles and surrounding interstitial cells, with or without MKI67 (E) or CDKN1B (F) overlay. By P7 (G and H), a subset of follicles had progressed into primary and secondary stages. FOXL2-positive cells in these activated follicles were MKI67-positive (inset in G) and CDKN1B-negative, although granulosa cells in primordial follicles in the cortical region of the gonad remained arrested (inset in H). Oocytes upregulated CDKN1B shortly after birth (F and H), as previously reported [32]. White color indicates overlap between the markers. A–D are images of whole-mount immunostained gonads taken at 40×. E–H are images of cryosectioned gonads (original magnification ×20). Bars = 20 μm.