Poly (I-C) induced gene expression of murine Irf7−/− FLS and peritoneal macrophages. Mouse Irf7−/− FLS and peritoneal macrophages were stimulated with poly (I-C). QPCR analysis of cytokine gene expression was determined for RANTES, IP-10, IFNβ, MIP-1α, MMP-3, and IL-6 normalized to HPRT1. A. Poly (I-C) stimulation of Irf7−/− FLS resulted in increased induction of several pro-inflammatory cytokines compared with control (*p<0.05). B. Poly (I-C) stimulation of Irf7−/− peritoneal macrophages resulted in significantly less induction of IFNβ gene expression compared with control (*p<0.05).