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. 2010 Apr 30;10(5):4456–4496. doi: 10.3390/s100504456

Table 15.

Enhanced generics representing security objectives.

Prefix, mnemonic Description
  Security objectives concerning mainly the TOE
OAVB.Reliability The sensor must provide reliable service. Applying fault tolerance methods and techniques.
OAVB.ResUnderControl Control resource [Dparam].
OINT.TamperResistance The TOE guarantees its own physical/logical integrity. The means of detecting physical tampering must be provided (e.g., seals, tampering detection, special reinforced cases, intrinsically safe solutions).
OINT.Processing The sensor must ensure that the processing of input to derive output data [Dparam] is accurate.
OINT.PowAnalResist Solutions resistant to the simple/differential power analysis attacks (SPA/DPA) are implemented.
OINT.DataVerification Verify that the data [Dparam] are valid.
OINT.AntiMalware Specialized anti-malware software.
OIDA.ControlID Using the properly managed unique identifiers of sensors [Dparam].
OIDA.Authentication The sensor must authenticate connected entities.
OACC.Access The sensor must control access of connected entities.
OCON.DataEncrypt Encrypt the data [Dparam].
OCON.SecDataProt When a node is turned off, no security material (such as a shared secret or a static public/private key) [Dparam] should have to be stored permanently in the non-volatile memory of the node (a pre-configured shared secret obviously does not satisfy this requirement).
OADT.Audit The sensor must audit attempts to undermine its security and should trace them to the associated entities.
OSMN.SecManAdmin The TOE will provide facilities to enable an authorized administrator [Sparam] to effectively manage the TOE and its security functions, and will ensure that only authorized administrators are able to access such functionality.
  Security objectives concerning mainly the TOE operational environment
OAVB.SensorSysMain The data [Dparam] sampled by the sensor-based acquisition/monitoring system [Dparam] checked by control authorities must be available and reflect fully and accurately the system objectives.
OAVB.RedundNodes Apply redundant sensor nodes, allowing to lose nodes without any impact on the network (or network application) behavior as a whole.
OAVB.DataFreshness Ensure that the message received [Dparam] is the message sent by the authorized source [Sparam] but not a replayed message sent by the intruder [Sparam].
OINT.MajorityVoting Apply the majority voting scheme to determine the validity of an alarm raised by neighboring nodes based on their own measurement.
OINT.IdentCapVsNodeCap Testing limited resource (radio communication capability). Assuming that a device can access only one radio channel at a time and checking that each identity has no less capability than a physical node (all identities have channels assigned and must send messages through them simultaneously; the system detects the attack when it receives no message in its channel).
OCON.CryptoScheme Applying the cryptographic scheme (key management, operations) with respect to the existing communication resources.
OCON.CryptoBoundary Setup the cryptographic boundary inside the TOE from where security sensitive data [Dparam] shall not leak. The boundary encompasses the TOE parts where security sensitive data are generated, stored, updated and used.
ODEX.MultipleCommPaths Use redundant communication paths, specialized countermeasures (e.g., against blackholes, misdirection, wormholes), and controlling of the routing information.
ODEX.CommQuality Avoidance of interference, blocked communication spaces, using specialized measures against jamming, collision and flooding.
OEIT.SecPerimVsTrRangeCtrl The physically controlled security perimeter, where nodes are placed, should be defined with respect to the range of wireless transmission.
OEIT.IdentPositionVsNodePosition Assuming that no identities are at the same position, checking the identity position versus the node position claiming this identity. Sensor measurements are credible when they can be associated with their physical locations.
OSMN.RegularInpections The sensor must be periodically inspected and calibrated (if necessary).
OSMN.SecDatManag Periodic changes to security data [Dparam] managed by [Sparam].
OSMN.NetAdmin Network administration and security policy procedures implementation.
OSMN.UserAwarn User awareness, proper operation regulations and procedures.
OSMN.PatientSecurity The monitored patient is within the access-restricted area and the medical personnel or household members take care of her/him.
OSMN.HIPAA The medical system should comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  Security objectives concerning the site processes
OSMN.SiteProcess Site processes encompassing the development-, manufacturing- and maintenance activities in the life cycle are properly defined, implemented and managed.