Figure 4.
Early demyelination of optic nerves and axonal degeneration in MOG-induced ON in HLA-DR2 transgenic mice at day 16 PI (peak). Representative sequential long sections of the same optic nerve with ON stained for inflammatory cells with H&E. (A) Myelin staining with H&E; (B) macrophages (mϕ)/microglia immunofluorescent staining with anti-CD11b antibodies (red); (C) myelin staining with Luxol fast blue with cresyl blue to label cells; and (D) immunofluorescent axonal labeling using RT97 antibodies (green). (A–D, arrows) An inflammatory lesion; (E–H) Bielschowsky silver impregnation for axonal staining; (E, G) normal, untreated optic nerves are populated by axons; (F, H, arrows) damaged axons.