Figure 3.
(A) Complementation of the triple effector mutant PA14Δ exoUΔexoTΔexoY with pUCPexoU also fully restored P. aeruginosa traversal of multilayered human corneal epithelial cells in vitro (similar to wild-type PA14). Complementation with pUCP exoUD344A (phospholipase inactive exoU) did not restore traversal and was similar to vector pUCP18 control. All bacteria grew similarly in apical compartments. (B) TER readings of multilayered corneal epithelia after 8 hours' exposure to plasmid complemented triple effector mutants showed a pattern similar to that in previous experiments. Complementation of PA14ΔexoUΔexoTΔ exoY with pUCPexoU diminished TER similarly to wild-type. Complementation with pUCPexoUD344A or the pUCP18 control plasmid did not reduce TER.