Figure 3.
Stimulus processing examples for experiment 2. The original unprocessed sentence, “In the pity for them his loneliness was gone,” is displayed in the left column under full, V-only, and C-only conditions for reference. Stimulus examples for the E and TFS listener groups are displayed in the center and right columns respectively. Note that E and TFS processing still contained both E and TFS components with the non- target component extracted at a less favorable SNR (see text). Each cell displays the amplitude waveform, spectrogram (0–6 kHz), and amplitude envelope using half- wave rectification and low-pass filtering for that condition and listener group. Note that the TFS stimuli did contain an amplitude envelope, although it was highly uncorrelated with the unprocessed stimulus due to the noisy signal extraction. Periodicity cues were provided by both E and TFS processing. Amplitude waveforms were normalized prior to segmentation.