Table 1.
Fan coefficients of reaction norms for differing incubation temperatures and food availability
ψ for all food curves | 0.05433 |
fan coefficient φ (for curves 0.3% w/v and 0.4% w/v) | 0.1131 |
fan coefficient φ (for curves 0.3% w/v and 0.5% w/v) | 0.0520 |
fan coefficient φ (for curves 0.4% w/v and 0.5% w/v) | 0.1130 |
ψ for all temperature curves | 0.003094 |
fan coefficient φ (for curves 14°C and 20°C) | 0.004068 |
fan coefficient φ (for curves 14°C and 26.5°C) | 0.015151 |
fan coefficient φ (for curves 20°C and 26.5°C) | 0.00714 |
A measure of the shape of the curves is given by the variance of the estimated asymptotes - estimates of M: ψ = variance (asymptotes - minimum fitted values for each curve). The best estimate of spread is ψ for each data set, the bootstrapped values for each pair of curves is φ*. There is no overlap between the two groups therefore the spread for food response is significantly greater than the spread for temperature response.