Figure 6. MCMs of different triblock terpolymers.
(TEM images, OsO4-stained if not mentioned otherwise; scale bars are 200 nm and 50 nm in insets). (a) SBV in acetone/isopropanol 20/80 (PB black, PS bright grey, P2VP corona grey). (b) SBT2 in ethanol (PB black, PS grey, PtBMA invisible due to e-beam degradation). (c) TVB1 in dodecane (I2 staining; P2VP black, PtBMA white). (d–f) pH-programmable colloidal polymerization of TCD in water: (d) pH=3 completely protonated, (e) pH=6 partially protonated and (f) pH=10 deprotonated PDMAEMA corona (RuO4 staining; PCEMA black, PtBMA bright grey, PDMAEMA corona not visible).