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. 2012 Jan 14;287(10):7812–7820. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.322958



The effect of the distance between a single FH1 polyproline track pPD and the FH2 domain on Bni1p-mediated polymerization. Conditions: 1.5 μm actin (33% Oregon Green) in microscopy buffer with a range of profilin concentrations. Data were collected by TIRFM. Dependence of the FH1-stimulated barbed-end elongation rate of Bni1(pPD18FH2)p- (black), Bni1(pPD28FH2)p- (green), Bni1(pPD37FH2)p- (blue), and Bni1(pPD65FH2)p- (red) associated filaments on the concentration of profilin. The rate of FH2-mediated polymerization without profilin was subtracted from the polymerization rate measured at each profilin concentration to give the contribution of the pPD track to polymerization. The error bars are S.E.