Membrane-to-nucleus signaling regulates the accessibility of KLF16 in the nucleus. Localization of KLF16 in endometrial cells was determined by immunofluorescence using anti-KLF16 in uterine cells treated with media supplemented with either 10% (a) or 0% (b) fetal bovine serum. KLF16 demonstrated preferential nuclear localization compared with cytoplasmic localization under normal serum conditions (a, 70.4% versus 27.5%, respectively; *, p = 0.009). In contrast, KLF16 demonstrated preferential cytoplasmic localization under serum-free conditions (b, 24% versus 43.2%, respectively; **, p = 0.04). c, representative cells demonstrating immunolocalization of KLF16 in uterine cells. Cells stained with anti-KLF16 and nuclear (DAPI) as well as cytoplasmic (anti-α-tubulin) markers. Blue, DAPI; green, KLF16; red, α-tubulin.