PAGE and Western blot characterization of dHDL particles used in the study. A, native PAGE (8–25% Phast gel, GE Healthcare) of A-I dHDL (lane 4) and A-I/A-II dHDL (lane 5). B, SDS-PAGE (8–25%, Phast gel, GE Healthcare) of A-I dHDL (lane 9) and A-I/A-II dHDL (lane 10) under nonreducing conditions. Free apoA-I, lanes 2 and 7. Free apoA-II, lanes 3 and 8. GE Healthcare high and low molecular weight standards are shown in lanes 1 and 6, respectively. The gels were stained with Coomassie Blue. C and D, Western blot analyses of dHDL particles with anti-apoA-I and anti-apoA-II antibodies, respectively. A-I dHDL, lanes 13 and 17; A-I/A-II dHDL, lanes 14 and 18; free apoA-I, lanes 11 and 15; free apoA-II, lanes 12 and 16. Western blots were derived from an identical 8–25% Phast gel to the native PAGE in panel A.