Multiple sequence alignment of representative AAH and ADA sequences. The full-length AAH protein coding sequences from three Leishmania species and S. cerevisiae are aligned with the amino acid sequences encoding ADA from two Plasmodium species, E. coli, M. musculus, and H. sapiens. The numerical values refer to the position of the first amino acid in each aligned row, and the putative PTS2 in the L. donovani and L. mexicana sequences is underlined. Identical residues are highlighted in black with white text, and residues that are consistent among all aligned AAHs or ADAs but different between AAH and ADA proteins are highlighted in gray. The accession numbers of the sequences shown are as follows: L. donovani (AAY98748), L. major (LmjF.35.2160), L. mexicana (LmxM.34.2160.1), S. cerevisiae (NP_014258), P. falciparum (AAO61667), P. vivax (EDL42450), E. coli (AP_002244), M. musculus (NP_031424) and H. sapiens (NP_000013).