Figure 8.
Phospho-(p)CREB and phospho-(p)ERK1/2 colocalize in the PVHmpd after stressful challenges. a–c, Intravenous insulin, 2-DG, or a mixed modality stressor (A+HS) all significantly increased pCREB- (a) and pERK1/2-IR (b) in the PVHmpd compared with saline-injected controls (c). pCREB immunoreactivity (green) was found exclusively in nuclei after injections of insulin, 2-DG, or A+HS, with extensive colocalization with cytoplasmic pERK1/2-IR (red). White squares in a and b show the regions that are depicted at higher magnification in c. Scale bar: a, b, 100 μm; c, 20 μm.