Table 1.
Variables collected in the Electronic Patient Tracking System
Administrative | Health Services |
-Clinic identification number | -Patient identification number |
-Patient identification number | -Date of visit |
-Date of enrollment at HIV clinic | -Type of provider seen |
-Pregnancy status at time of enrollment | -Pregnant at time of visit |
-Number of months pregnant at enrollment | -Temperature |
-Age | -Weight |
-Gender | -Height |
-Site of HIV testing | -CD4 count |
-Date of HIV testing | -CD4 percentage |
-Results of HIV testing | -Date of CD4 count |
-City of residence | -Viral load |
-Neighborhood of residence | -Date of viral load |
-Marital status | -Clinical diagnoses* |
-Type of employment | -WHO stage |
-Years of education | -CTX prophylaxis |
-Type of higher education | -TB prophylaxis |
-Patient active at HIV clinic (yes/no) | -Patient receiving ART |
-Reason patient left HIV clinic | -Type of ART regimen |
-Date patient left HIV clinic | -Type of ART refill visit |
-Date the HIV clinic found out patient left | -# of pills dispensed |
-Exit comments | -Next refill date |
-ART committee date | -Receiving TB treatment |
-Patient receiving ART (yes/no) | -Comments |
-ART start date | |
-Type of ART initiation (new patient or transferred from another facility) | |
-Comments about treatment | |
-Pregnancy status at time of treatment initiation | |
-Prophylaxis for PMTCT | |
-Prophylaxis type | |
-Prophylaxis date |
*includes 63 clinical diagnoses; HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus; ART - Antiretroviral Therapy; WHO - World Health Organization; PMTCT - Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission; CTX - Cotrimaxazole; TB - Tuberculosis; CD4 - Cluster of Differentiation 4