Figure 1A: ecdysoneless1 full ovipositor extrusion index. Ecdysteroid depleted female flies perform significantly less full ovipositor extrusion than controls. The descriptions underneath each histogram bar describe treatment condition of female flies. Socially naïve five-day-old ecdysoneless1 females treated at 29°C for 12 hours to reduce ecdysteroid levels respond to wild-type male courtship with significantly less performance of full ovipositor extrusion than similarly treated wild-type (Canton-S) control females. ecdysoneless1 females fed diet containing 10−4 M 20E during exposure to 29°C performed full ovipositor extrusion significantly more than those fed normal diet. P values are from Student t-test. Whiskers indicate standard error of the mean.
Figure 1B: Full ovipositor extrusion. A female Drosophila initially responds to male courtship by fully extruding her ovipositor (arrow). This action has been suggested to represent the female’s initial rejection of her suitor’s advances (Lableiz et al., 2006). An ecdysoneless1 female is depicted.