Figure 1. Single acute airway exposure of Alternaria in naïve WT mice induces early eosinophilia and Th2 cytokine production.
Naïve mice received a single intranasal challenge with 100ug of Alternaria, Candida, or Aspergillus extract or PBS and BAL performed 24 hours later (A) for eosinophil percent by FACS (left) and absolute eosinophil counts (right). Eosinophils were defined as Siglec-F+ CD11c- cells. Naïve mice were given intranasal administrations of 10ug, 50ug, or 100ug Alternaria extract and BAL performed one day later (B). BAL eosinophil percent (left) and total number (right) were analyzed at the given dose. FACS plots representative of 4–7 mice per group and dose. Eosinophil numbers for individual mice shown. ELISA for BAL IL-33, Lung IL-5 and IL-13 (C) at 3hr, 6hr, and 1d after Alternaria challenge (4 mice per group). PBS is from 3hr time point. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005, ***p < 0.0005, ****p < 0.0001 compared with PBS, t-test.