A. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR was performed on RNA samples purified from embryonic hearts at various developmental stages (E9.5, E10.5 and E11.5) to detect SENP2 mRNA. PCR for each sample was carried out with two cycles (30 and 35, respectively). GAPDH served as a loading control. B–D'. Immunostaining shows SENP2 expression in hearts at later developmental stages. Hearts of three embryonic stages, E14.5 (B–B'), E16.5 (C–C'), and E17.5 (D–D') were examined. Panel B, C & D show single SENP2 staining, while B', C' & D' display the merged images of three stainings: SENP2 (red), Cav3 (green, positive for cardiomyocyte), and DAPI (blue, for nucleus). The arrows in B & B' show examples of non-nuclear staining of SENP2, and the dotted staining (arrowheads) indicates blood cells. Note that in the compact zone, SENP2 was barely detected at E14.5, but was detectable at E16.5 (C & C', arrows) and became abundant at E17.5, indicating developmental and spatial regulation of SENP2 expression during cardiogenesis.