A: Mature 3T3-L1 adipocytes were serum deprived overnight. Cells were pre-treated with methanol vehicle (V) and 0.47 μM HF overnight, or with DMSO vehicle and 50 μg/ml SJW flower (SJW-F) extract for 2 hours. B: Fully differentiated subcutaneous human adipocytes were serum deprived overnight and then pre-treated with DMSO vehicle (V), 0.5 μM HI, methanol vehicle (M), or 0.47 μM HF for 2 hours. For each antibody, the results shown within the rectangle are from the same exposure of the same blot. Control cells (CTL) were untreated. Cells were stimulated with insulin prior to preparation of whole cell extracts. Proteins from the whole cell extracts were resolved and immunoblotted. STAT5A expression was probed as a loading control. Each panel is representative of an experiment independently repeated two times.