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. 2010 Dec;16(12):1969–1972. doi: 10.3201/eid1612.100627

Table. Demographic characteristics and signs and symptoms for 56 case-patients who had laboratory-confirmed EHF, Bundibugyo District, Uganda, in 2007*.

Characteristic Case-patients confirmed by acute-phase sample, n = 43
Total no. confirmed case-patients, n = 56
No. survived, n = 26 No. died, n = 17 p value
Mean age, y (range) 33 (12–50) 42(20–70) 0.039† 37.4 (11–70)
Male sex (%) 16 (62) 8 (47) >0.100‡ 30 (54)
Mean incubation period, d (95% CI)§
5.7 (4.4–7.0)
7.4 (5.4–9.3)
6.3 (5.2–7.3)
Signs and symptoms, no. reporting/no. available (%)¶
  Fever 26/26 (100) 16/16 (100) >0.100 55/55 (100)
  Fatigue 22/23 (96) 14/14 (100) >0.100 49/50 (98)
  Headache 21/25 (84) 14/15 (93) >0.100 48/53 (91)
  Nausea/vomiting 24/26 (92) 13/15 (87) >0.100 48/54 (89)
  Abdominal pain 23/26 (88) 13/14 (93) >0.100 47/53 (89)
  Muscle/joint pain 19/23 (83) 12/14 (86) >0.100 44/50 (88)
  Diarrhea 24/26 (92) 13/15 (87) >0.100 47/54 (87)
  Anorexia/weight loss 19/23 (83) 12/15 (80) >0.100 43/51 (84)
  Difficulty swallowing 10/23 (43) 6/15 (60) >0.100 27/51 (53)
  Rash 9/26 (35) 5/15 (33) >0.100 25/54 (46)
  Difficulty breathing 6/23 (26) 8/14 (57) 0.085 23/50 (46)
  Hiccups 4/23 (17) 6/15 (40) >0.100 16/51 (31)
  Bleeding# 11/26 (42) 9/17 (53) >0.100 30/56 (54)

*EHF, Ebola hemorrhagic fever; CI, confidence interval.
†By 2-sample t-test.
‡By χ2 test.
§For case-patients reporting contact with a confirmed case-patient, or contact with case-patient X (see text for full description), based on time from last reported contact with case-patient to development of signs and symptoms (n = 16 for case-patients in Survived column; n = 8 for case-patients in Died column; n = 24 for all confirmed case-patients).
¶No. case-patients reporting the sign or symptom/no. case-patients with information available about presence of that the sign or symptom. p value was determined by Fisher exact test in which a comparison was made between the proportion of case-patients who survived vs. those who died.
#At least 1 of the following manifestations: bleeding from injection site, gums, eyes, nose, vagina; black or bloody stool; bloody vomitus; hematuria.