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. 2010 Dec;16(12):1966–1968. doi: 10.3201/eid1612.101008

Table. Postmortem findings in a harbor porpoise infected with Brucella ceti, Belgium, 2008*.

Sample Necropsy Histologic Immunohistochemistry† Electron microscopy Bacteriologic
Brain NS Slight subacute meningitis Glial cells NT Brucella isolate
Uterus Congestion and hyperplasia Slight subacute endometritis Mononuclear cells under the endormetrial epithelium NT NT
Mammary gland Congestion Well-developed acini with milk Mononuclear cells between acini, acinar cells, and milk NT NT
Liver Multifocal red to dark red spots Coagulative necrosis Mononuclear cells in portal areas NT NT
Lungs Multifocal acute necrotizing thrombo-embolic pneumonia Acute purulent pneumonia, severe subacute to chronic interstitial pneumonitis Mononuclear cells and nematode larvae NT Brucella isolate
Lymph nodes Hyperplasia Lymphoid depletion Mononuclear cells near the capsule NT NT
Skin and genital split Multiple acute to chronic ulcers Acute ulcerative dermatitis with ballooning degeneration Balloon degenerated epithelial cells and inflammatory infiltrate Intracellular coccoid bacteria (genital ulcer) NT
Spleen Hypoplasia Lymphoid depletion Mononuclear cells near the splenic capsule and between splenic corpuscles NT NT

*NS, not significant; NT, not tested.
†With polyclonal antibody against B. melitensis.