Time courses of Spo0F∼P dephosphorylation by RapA wt or RapAC1 and inhibition by Phr peptides. Purified Spo0F∼P (0.5 μM) was incubated alone or in the presence of RapA wt (A and B) or RapAC1 (C and D) (0.5 μM). The PhrA (A and C) or PhrC (B and D) peptides were added at a 1 μM final concentration. Samples were analyzed by 15% SDS-PAGE and quantitated by the ImageQuant software program after exposure to a PhosphorImager screen. Symbols: Spo0F∼P alone, ●; Spo0F∼P and Rap protein, ▲; Spo0F∼P, Rap protein, and Phr peptide, ■.