Immunohistochemical analysis of the ulcered rat cornea 1 h after 5 hourly instillations of drops of 100 μg/ml AC-8 (group 1). Panels a to c show the junction between epithelialized and de-epithelialized corneal areas (central cornea). White arrows indicate positive AC-8 labeling, and arrowheads indicate corneal endothelium. In peripheral cornea and iris (d to f), white arrows indicate positive AC-8 labeling and arrowheads indicate corneal endothelium (very weak labeling). Panels g to j show IHC analysis of the limbus and ciliary body areas 24 h after 5 instillations of AC-8 (group 2). Panel j is a magnification of panel i. Panels h to j show positive AC-8 labeling in the subepithelial area (arrows). The left column shows DAPI staining, the middle column shows Alexa-labeled anti-human IgG antibody, and the right column shows the merged images. Bar, 200 μm.