Immunohistochemical analysis of the junction between epithelialized and re-epithelialized rat cornea 1 h after 5 instillations per day for 2 days and then 1 instillation on the last day of treatment with 100 μg/ml AC-8 (group 3; a, b, and c) or vehicle (group 7; d, e, and f). Positive AC-8 labeling is detected in the epithelium and in some subepithelial cells (b and c; arrows). White squares delineate the junction between intact and re-epithelialized areas (note irregular re-epithelialization). epith, epithelium; endoth, endothelium. The left column shows DAPI staining, the middle column shows Alexa-labeled anti-human IgG antibody, and the right column shows the merged images. Bar, 200 μm.